Final Thoughts

How Gen Z Is Different, According to Social Scientists (and Young ...
Did you know One of the Proposed names for Generation Z was “iGen”. Gen Z is the generation typically born after 1995. I myself a senior in college was born in 1998 so I’m apart of the Gen Z group, despite being told most of my life I'm a millennial and honestly it makes a lot of sense. As the name ;iGeneration' suggest my Generations biggest feature is the amount of Technology we've grown up with and had at our disposal for most if not all of our lives. When I was in the 1st grade I remember taking computer classes WITH early Apple computers. By the time I was in the fifth grade I knew how to use a computer better than my mom did. Not to mention I got my first phone (smartphone) the summer between me graduating 4th grade and going into 5th grade. To be fair I had to beg my parents for the phone and it was mainly because I was starting to be a part of after-school activities that were in places where my parents wouldn't be able to easily reach me without it.

Unless I grew up with technology I can remember doing things with my friends like filming ourselves on iMovie and doing stupid little skits just to entertain ourselves. I can tell you my first gaming system was the Gameboy Advanced and the first game that I ever got and loved was Pokemon Fire Red. When I was in Middle School and my brother played so many video games on or GameCube. My parents had a set of strict 1 hour of video gameplay a day during the weekday just to stop us from playing too much. The first-ever social media site that I really knew of besides YouTube was Facebook. (Read my social Audit post) By the time I learned about Facebook Myspace was on its way dying. I have even witnessed social media sites born and died within a decade. 

My point is that I'm someone who's always had this advanced technology at my disposal. It's hard for me to really see the society that I live in as less-than-ideal because it's the only thing I know. Obviously, no Society is perfect there are flaws and there are absolutely flaws within technology and the internet. Cyberbullying, cyberstalking, online harassment, stolen identities, and increased loneliness and depression. When I hear someone older than me not necessarily a part of gen Z say that they don't like the way Society is I don't get angry with them I understand this is not the society they grew up with. This is New Territory the world has never seen some of these things and we are only becoming more and more advanced with technology. Faster than another time in history before now. 

The truth is the world has always been an ugly place, technology, and the internet has just made us more interconnected. another fact about Gen Z if you didn't know is that it is the most Global and racially diverse generation in history. Never before have we been able to connect with people so quickly and efficiently as we have until these recent decades. However, it's because of this openness because of this Mass spread of information that is accessible to anyone that we are beginning to really see this world that we live in. The internet allows us to explore other parts of the world and allow us to leave the bubble that we have grown up in and discovered the Beauty and the Ugly that is the world.

The world never was this perfect wonderful place, that’s nostalgia and ignorance blinding your vision. The reason for human existence and Innovation and the fact that we even have technology is to make our lives easier and better. Technology has always been meant to help aid in some tasks or some need. No matter how far we that doesn't necessarily mean we made it there yet and with each new generation, we begin to demand more and have noon. We will never be able to accomplish a perfect Society until we're able to accommodate and meet the needs of every person or until we all no longer exist. Humans will always keep climbing higher until they get to the top or die trying. We're taking our current Society actually isn't a bad thing it's important it allows us to grow.

I think technology wonderful but honestly, I'm most excited to see how we make it even better.


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