
Showing posts from May, 2020

Final Thoughts

Did you know One of the Proposed names for Generation Z was “iGen”. Gen Z is the generation typically born after 1995. I myself a senior in college was born in 1998 so I’m apart of the Gen Z group, despite being told most of my life I'm a millennial and honestly it makes a lot of sense. As the name ;iGeneration' suggest my Generations biggest feature is the amount of Technology we've grown up with and had at our disposal for most if not all of our lives. When I was in the 1st grade I remember taking computer classes WITH early Apple computers. By the time I was in the fifth grade I knew how to use a computer better than my mom did. Not to mention I got my first phone (smartphone) the summer between me graduating 4th grade and going into 5th grade. To be fair I had to beg my parents for the phone and it was mainly because I was starting to be a part of after-school activities that were in places where my parents wouldn't be able to easily reach me without it. Unles